The morning began around 10am by order of the pups. Shortly after was a quick stop in at Molly's where a full game of cards did not even happen. We wound up having blueberry brunch and booze in Midcity where I proceeded to scald my right hand with hot syrup. I realized that ice was the only comfort and finished my breakfast with my left hand and fingers. It was then that I decided that today was going to be a wash.
Fast forward one episode of Stargate SG1 and a Superbowl replay later.
I managed to squeeze in a three hour nap and got a sudden craving for a hot dog. We ate dinner at Rallys since the fridge has posted a "space for rent" sign. We then crawled up the stairs and onto the balcony to watch the fireworks.
Not a bad view at all.

I did at least manage to read the first few pages of my new book, Head First: HTML with CSS & XHTML. As for now, maybe I'll try helping hubby clean up some so I feel just a little bit useful.
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